华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 1-8.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-565X.2013.08.001

• 动力与电气工程 •    下一篇


廖艳芬1 曾成才1 马晓茜1 宋景慧2   

  1. 1.华南理工大学 电力学院,广东 广州 510640; 2.广东电网公司 电力科学研究院,广东 广州 510080
  • 收稿日期:2013-01-16 修回日期:2013-04-28 出版日期:2013-08-25 发布日期:2013-07-01
  • 通信作者: 廖艳芬(1976-),女,教授,博士生导师,主要从事固体废弃物高效低污染燃烧研究. E-mail:yfliao@scut.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:廖艳芬(1976-),女,教授,博士生导师,主要从事固体废弃物高效低污染燃烧研究.
  • 基金资助:

    国家 “973” 计划项目(2011CB201500, 2013CB228101);国家自然科学基金资助项目(50906025);华南理工大学能源高效清洁利用广东普通高校重点实验室项目(KLB10004);华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2012ZZ0022)

Thermogravimetric Analysis of Pyrolysis and Combustion Characteristics of Typical Biomass in South China

Liao Yan- fen1 Zeng Cheng- cai1 Ma Xiao- qian1  Song Jing- hui2   

  1. 1.School of Electric Power,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China;2.Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation,Guangzhou 510080,Guangdong,China
  • Received:2013-01-16 Revised:2013-04-28 Online:2013-08-25 Published:2013-07-01
  • Contact: 廖艳芬(1976-),女,教授,博士生导师,主要从事固体废弃物高效低污染燃烧研究. E-mail:yfliao@scut.edu.cn
  • About author:廖艳芬(1976-),女,教授,博士生导师,主要从事固体废弃物高效低污染燃烧研究.
  • Supported by:

    国家 “973” 计划项目(2011CB201500, 2013CB228101);国家自然科学基金资助项目(50906025);华南理工大学能源高效清洁利用广东普通高校重点实验室项目(KLB10004);华南理工大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2012ZZ0022)

摘要: 采用热重分析仪对中国南方典型生物质( 桉树皮、桉树叶、桉树枝、秸秆、甘蔗渣、甘蔗叶) 进行热解及燃烧实验研究.结果表明: 相比于木质类材料( 桉树皮、桉树叶、桉树枝) ,草本类材料( 秸秆、甘蔗) 由于材料组成结构简单,脱挥和着火过程性能较好; 但固定碳和残留物的燃尽时间短,而且燃烧失重率只占整体失重的20% 左右,燃烧强度在后期大大降低.桉树的3 个物料中,组成成分的不同导致燃烧特性有较大的差异.桉树叶易着火,而且由于含有较多的粗蛋白和粗脂肪,其燃烧区间拉长,但燃烧强度较低; 桉树枝则在挥发分以及固定碳的燃烧强度上具有优势,说明其在炉内燃烧时具有更好的稳燃性; 桉树皮尽管燃烧持续时间长,但在着火特性以及燃烧强度方面并无优势.甘蔗类燃烧持续时间短,综合燃烧特性好.文中还采用Coats- Redfern 积分法进行动力学拟合推断,获得了各物料的热解和燃烧动力学参数.

关键词: 生物质, 热解, 燃烧, 动力学特性


TGA was employed to investigate several kinds of typical biomass materials (namely,eucalyptus bark,eucalyptus leaves,eucalyptus branches,straw,bagasse and sugarcane leaves) in South China through pyrolysis and combustion experiments.The results show that (1) as compared with wood- based materials (eucalyptus barks,eucalyptus leaves,eucalyptus branches),herbal materials(straw,bagasse and sugarcane leaves)are of better per-formance in the ignition process and the liberation of volatile compounds due to their simple material structure; (2) herbal materials,however,have a short burnout time in terms of the fixed carbon and the residue,with a low com-bustion loss which accounts for only 20% of the overall weight loss and a greatly decreasing combustion intensity in the later stage; (3) three types of eucalyptus materials are found to be of different combustion characteristics due to their different compositions; (4) eucalyptus leaves are easy to ignite and their more crude protein and crude fat bring about a wider combustion temperature range and a lower combustion intensity; (5) eucalyptus branches have advantage in terms of the combustion intensities of the volatiles and the fixed carbon,indicating that they are of more stable combustion in the furnace; (6) eucalyptus barks have a long combustion duration but possess no advantage in terms of the ignition and the combustion intensity; and (7) bagasse and sugarcane leaves possess a short combustion duration but show a good synthetic combustion performance.In addition,a non- isothermal kinetic analysis method (Coats- Redfern) is adopted to evaluate the pyrolysis and combustion processes of all the materials,thus obtaining the corresponding kinetic parameters.

Key words: biomass, pyrolysis, combustion, kinetic characteristic
